LIPID MAPS® Spring School
Monday - Friday, 12th - 16th April 2021
Thank you for attending the recent Spring School event.
Please note that unfortunately, we are not in a position to issue certificates for attendance.

This Spring School will focus on theoretical and practical aspects of lipidomics, using state-of-the-art approaches. There will be a major focus on the underlying biology and biochemistry of lipids, including their roles in health and disease.
There will be 20 + sessions over 5 days, topics include neutral lipids, fatty acids, eicosanoids, sphingolipids, sterols and bile acids.
An introduction to MS-based lipidomics will cover all aspects from sample preparation, storage, chromatography, instrumentation, and identification using databases including LIPID MAPS. There will be a dedicated session on novel technologies, such as iKnife, REIMS, imaging, and new standards for quantitation. This will be alongside practical tutorials on software and informatics tools for lipidomics.
An introduction into data integration using biostatistics and systems biology, to include lipid biology/ biochemistry, MS-based lipidomics and quantification using targeted methods.
The following speakers have been invited.

Chairs/Organisers: Maria Fedorova and Valerie O’Donnell

Junken Aoki
Matthew Conroy
Edward Dennis
Laura Goracci
Jules Griffin
William Griffiths
Michal Holčapek
Paul Kennedy
Gerhard Liebisch

Al Merrill
Martijn Molenaar
Robert Murphy
Walt Shaw
Gary Siuzdak
Fritz Spener
Shankar Subramaniam
Zoltan Takats
Federico Torta

Due to the COVID-19 world wide pandemic and travel restrictions, the decision has been made to run the Spring School online.
The school will be held online using video conferencing to deliver our interactive sessions with our industry leading speakers.